We’ve focused extensively on the organizations that spread misinformation about e-cigarettes in an attempt to stifle the vaping industry. However, for every anti-e-cig activist, there are dozens more vapers and tobacco harm reduction supporters who are responsible for the diverse and bountiful market that we enjoy today. Let us pause for a moment to acknowledge the amazing advocates whose dedication to safe and legal tobacco alternatives have paved the way for tremendous innovation in the industry.
Top Vaping Advocacy Organizations in the United States
From conflicting study results to strict regulations, electronic cigarettes have been under fire for the last few years and still remain a controversial and highly debated topic when it comes to politics and science. As the debate over the benefits and risks of electronic cigarettes and how they should be regulated continues, several advocacy groups continue to serve as the voice of the vaping industry by spreading awareness of the potential health benefits of e-cigs, debunking shoddy science and petitioning unjust e-cig regulations.
With the FDA’s Deeming Regulations looming ahead, it’s time to get to know these vaping advocacy groups and start doing what we can to support their efforts. In no particular order, here are the top three organizations advocating for vaping in the United States:
The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association (CASAA)
CASAA organizes political actions at the local, state and federal levels to support laws and policies that protect the use of harm-reducing tobacco alternatives. For example, members in Boise, ID and Alameda, CA convinced their respective town councils to reconsider bans on public vaping. In Seattle, WA, CASAA members successfully lobbied the local housing authority to allow vaping in new developments. The 120,000 registered members of CASAA are public health professionals, government officials and vaping enthusiasts who believe that e-cigs can have a positive impact on America.
Since 2009, CASAA has maintained a blog that chronicles the evolving laws surrounding e-cigs in the United States. CASAA has often been at the forefront of policy change and creation; they are currently gathering support for a national petition to congress in support of a bill to protect the e-cig market from overbearing FDA regulations.
CASAA also recently released the results of a survey conducted from November to December 2015, which concluded that 87% of participants quit smoking entirely with the help of e-cigs. This was the largest e-cig survey to date with a total of 27,343 participants.
Julie Woessner, Executive Director of CASAA, will be a guest speaker in our upcoming E-Cigs DeMISTified webinar scheduled for February 4th at 2pm EST. Julie will be discussing CASAA’s role in the vaping industry and will provide information on what vaping businesses, advocates and consumers can do to protect the right to vape. There is no cost to attend this webinar and everyone is welcome to join in, so save your seat now!
The American Vaping Association (AVA)
The AVA is a coalition of vapers and small-to-medium-sized business owners that aims to educate consumers and government officials about the economic and public health benefits provided by the vaping industry. When it comes to creating a vape-friendly world, changing hearts and minds is just as important as changing laws, which is why AVA collects testimonials from e-cig users whose lives have improved thanks to harm-reducing tobacco alternatives. AVA was established in New Jersey at the end of 2013 with “the purpose of positive media advocacy for vaping and electronic cigarettes.” Headlines like “Vaping saved my life, which in turn saved 4 others” provide a human perspective to why e-cigs should be protected. Current AVA president, Greg Conley, has thoroughly covered the development of the FDA’s Deeming Regulations and their projected impact on all vapers, and also served as a guest speaker in a discussion about the FDA’s Deeming Regulations during our E-Cigs DeMISTified webinar on October 22, 2015.
The AVA welcomes and encourages vapers to share their success stories for the world to see. If you have a story to share, be sure to add your voice to the conversation about why tobacco harm reduction is important to you.
The Smoke Free Alternatives Trade Association (SFATA)
SFATA is an organization dedicated to providing an alternative to combustible tobacco products for adult smokers and serves as a major advocacy group for the vaping industry. Members of SFATA include e-cig retailers, distributors, manufacturers and customers who are committed to fostering a professional and thriving vape industry. A long-term goal of SFATA has been to help establish regulations for vapor products separate from tobacco legislation. SFATA encourages members to create their own local chapters to share resources and campaigns, and the organization coordinates national efforts such as the upcoming fly-in on February 3, which will bring members to Washington, D.C. for a day of lobbying congress to protect e-cig innovation.
SFATA is able to track industry statistics based on data collected from its members. Current records indicate that there are more than 70,000 jobs in the American vaping industry split among 15,000 vape stores, 1,200 e-liquid manufacturers, 1,000 distributors, 22 hardware manufacturers and 13 assembly companies.
If you feel passionate about vaping and tobacco harm reduction, there’s no shortage of avenues to direct your enthusiasm. Show your thanks to those who have allowed you to vape by speaking up for the thousands of people who benefit from the e-cig industry.