
The Beginners Guide to Vaping E Liquids and Flavors

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Opponents of electronic cigarettes often raise concerns about the lack of transparency surrounding the contents of e liquids. Fortunately, all reputable e cigarette companies, including White Cloud, take pride in being upfront with customers. This installment of our Beginners Guide to Vaping series will examine […]

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The Beginner’s Guide to How E Cigs Work

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Previous installments in our beginner’s guide to vaping series have touched on the history of electronic cigarettes and the evolving research and legislation surrounding them. Now that you’re familiar with the history of vaping and the terminology that goes along with it, it’s time to […]

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The Beginner’s Guide to Vaping

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Vape shops have been popping up in cities across the US for the last few years, but the technology behind e-cigarettes has been around for decades. If you’re new to e cigarettes and want to learn more about how vaping works, you’ll find a wealth […]

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Why Your Vape Tastes Burnt

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Everyone who uses ecigarettes eventually experiences the infamous “burnt” taste when vaping. There could be a few reasons why your vape tastes burnt sometimes, but the unpleasant phenomenon is usually the result of a dry puff. How to Avoid the Burnt Taste When Vaping A […]

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What is Vaping?

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Apples and Oranges or Just a Bunch of Bananas? We have a great many questions, comments, and conversations from our valued customers who come to us here at White Cloud. Lately, we have heard quite a few folks bring up vaping and e-cig use as […]

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How is Vaping Viewed Around the World?

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While the United States FDA and CDC have been treating e-cigarettes as a new public health threat, scientists and health officials in other parts of the world are embracing vaping for its potential to wean people off of tobacco. These e-cig advocates have rallied together […]

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